Friday, April 1, 2011

B1 and B2 rolled into C.

All of the things I like always turned out to be so wrong. I'm trying to avoid my mistakes in the past coz I don't want a wounded heart again. But effin I just can't STOP liking him even if I know that he's no good for me. :|

He's like B, B with the body.
He's like B, B with the silly face.
He's like B, B who knows a lot of things.
He's like B, B who calls me names.
He's like B, B who have a cute silly laugh that makes me laugh too.
He's like B, B coz he makes me laugh even if I'm mad.
He's like B, B coz he's funny and corny.
He's like B, B coz he's bewildered.
He's like B, B coz he belongs to someone. 
He's like B, B coz I can't have him like the way I want to.
He's like B, B coz he will leave me too.
He's like B, B that I wanna forget right now because it will take me months to move-on!

I'm done with him. 

I hope he's done with me too.
If he's not, I don't know what to do? :'(

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